Freemasonry is one of the oldest fraternal organizations in the world with roots that date back to Medieval times when stonemasons held close the secrets and lessons of their guild. Today, Masons live by many of the same timeless and tested values in a fraternity that is ever renewed by new members seeking to live by the values of, Personal Growth, Integrity, Tolerance, Community, Equality and Honesty.
What is Freemasonry?
It’s a way of life, characterised by a desire for mateship, and/or self-improvement driven by both modern and traditional values, aiming to make good men better. Freemasonry is different things to different people.
What is a Freemason?
A Freemason is an upstanding man of conscience, whose life includes meeting on the level and parting on the square. He is a friend and brother. He is a good man, learning how, and striving to be, better.
Why become a Freemason?
Men join Freemasonry for many varied reasons, but the common threads are comradeship, shared values, time spent with good mates, self improvement, learning and a desire to support the community.
How old is Freemasonry?
There is vague evidence it is as old as history itself. However, 'operative', or practical Freemasonry as a trade or craft is dated to the building of King Solomon’s temple. Alfred the Great brought stonemasons with secret skills into Wessex, to rebuild ruins and from 872 was a zealous protector of Masons. Masonry continued under the The Knights Templars and the first Grand Lodge in England was formed at York in 926. Subsequently the United Grand Lodge of England was formed (1717), formalising 'speculative' as opposed to 'operative' Freemasonry. In Australia, Freemasonry came with the first settlers in 1788, and the first consecrated lodge in NSW began in 1824. The first Freemasonry meeting in South Australia under the auspices of the SA Land Company was held on 11th August 1838 at Black's Hotel in Franklin Street, Adelaide. The lodge’s members had names like Kingston, Gilbert, Wakefield and Gouger. Blackwood Lodge first met in May 1920.
What goes on in Freemasonry?
Meetings have 3 components. The business component is conducted in the normal manner of formal meetings; the ceremonial enactment of degree promotions is based on traditional ritual and the social component is a celebratory supper with toasts and camaraderie.
Does Blackwood Lodge have a Mission Statement?
Yes; it is "to offer good men of all ages, a fraternity on the level with mutually trustworthy individuals and friends in a safe, conservative, ethical environment wherein all are equal; and offering personal growth, learning and companionship in order to strengthen themselves, their family and their community.
Why do Freemasons wear an apron?
Early traditional or operative stonemasons wore an apron to protect their clothing while forming stonework. It is still worn as a badge of honour and a bond of friendship.
Why is it a men only organisation?
Stonemasons were traditionally men and they covet the time spent in male companionship. Women have their own lodges too.
How much does it cost to join Freemasonry?
Every lodge differs somewhat. At Blackwood, there is a joining fee of around $80 and an annual sub of around $175 which includes a capitation fee to the Grand Lodge of SA and NT. Of course, CPI has its influence from time to time. Supper is provided and there is an opportunity to support a monthly fundraising raffle.
What charities are Freemasonry involved in?
Freemasonry is involved in many charities at many levels, from national registered charities like the Royal Flying Doctor Service to our own established Centre for Mens’ Health in conjunction with the University of Adelaide and the Freemasons Foundation since 2007. At the local level, we support various community activities and initiatives. We have also provided defibrillators to local businesses.
Is Freemasonry a religion?
No it is not. It requires a belief in a Supreme Being, and to emphasise our moral and ethical code it refers to many passages and teachings from the Bible, acknowledging the Judeo-Christian ethos our society was founded upon and welcomes as members people from all faiths.
What is the commitment if I join Freemasonry?
Meetings are monthly and are approximately just 4 hours in duration, including social time after the meeting. Those who are involved in ceremonial spend extra time preparing and those involved in executive or secretarial duties may also spend a few extra hours. The commitment though is just the one meeting a month.
What is in it for me?
It is a way of life with a shared understanding among brothers in a fraternity, which most members would not trade for anything. Like most things you will get out of it what you put into it, and your effort is entirely up to you. Many men who join in their early twenties remain active members until well into their 80’s.
Can I visit a lodge?
Yes, you can. If you are interested in becoming a member, you can, by appointment attend the third tranche of the meeting - the social side, called a "festive board" and participate and meet the members.
How often do you meet?
We meet on the first Wednesday evening of the month, every month except January. Our AGM, or Installation, is held in April, thus beginning the Masonic Year.
Why would I join Freemasonry rather than another service club? Perhaps check first to see if other organisations offer these things:-
What is the process of joining?
Simply express interest to the Secretary, the Worshipful Master (President) or complete the enquiry form here and you will be guided through the process which requires a police check so allow time for that to occur. A Proposer will be allocated to keep in contact and assist you.
Why would I join Blackwood Lodge in particular?
Well you might live close to Blackwood which is a travelling advantage. Or you might choose to travel in, because Blackwood Lodge is a young-thinking lodge with some very solid Membership and Mentoring processes supporting its members. Blackwood has a very high retention rate of members, it is a sound lodge and is in a progressive phase.
Once I have joined, what then?
Our promise to you is to provide you with a safe haven brotherhood 24/7 and a structured environment after work once a month with opportunity for socialising, learned discussion and mentored support and belonging. We do not discuss politics or religion in the lodge rooms. You may become, like most, a Freemason for life.