"Let not anyone pacify his conscience by the delusion he can do no harm if he takes no part and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends than that good men do nothing"
John Stuart Mills 1867
Blackwood Lodge was Consecrated in 1920, meeting in the Anglican Church Hall. The Lodge Room was physically prepared and dismantled for each Meeting, which was held on the Saturday Night nearest to the Full Moon! This was to enable the Brethren to safely travel to and from the Meeting by the light of the moon. W.Bro. Alfred March [a member for 75 years] walked from Clarendon to attend meetings.
These circumstances changed dramatically when in 1933, in the middle of the depression, the Lodge built a two level building on the Main Road, Blackwood incorporating a Lodge Room, a Festive Board Room, a Kitchen, Committee Room and toilets.
The influx of Initiates in the post-war period saw a new Craft Lodge, Lodge Acacia #194 formed in 1955. A Royal Arch Chapter and Mark Master Masons Lodge provided an extended Masonic experience.
In the ‘60’s and 70’s the Lodge experienced a gradual decline in membership as the post war need of veterans for male company and organised institutions waned and in subsequent years the Community moved more and more to self and material interests, so that Freemasonry and its Tenets meant little to most people.
However with an eye to the future needs of men and the community, Blackwood Lodge formed a building committee and in 1982, that committee with the backing of the majority members overcame many difficulties to build premises suitable for tenancy thus providing ongoing financial security whilst contributing to the community infrastructure and to make various improvement to the lodge building facilities and kitchen and keeping membership fees down.
Blackwood is very different in nature to the town that saw the formation of the lodge in 1920. Today, 100 years on, it is an upmarket suburb with all its attributes and difficulties. BUT – there is one thing which has not changed – the Tenets of Freemasonry are as relevant today as they were in antiquity and it is an honour and privilege of the current Members to promote our art through their worthiness and contribute as they can to the local community.
Thus the current members of Blackwood Masonic Lodge enjoy comfortable surroundings and facilities which though now 40 years on are more than adequate and the lodge has the ability to maintain them properly and improve them as required. Recreational facilities now include sports streaming TV, pool table and a bar is in the early planning stages.
Members and friends and family were most fortunate to witness a re-Consecration of the lodge to celebrate its 100th year. The Centenary celebration was most successful, despite being a year or two late due to Covid.
The local fraternity is an agreeable mixture of men from all walks of life, with various views and experiences and talents as well as a strong common commitment to the sharing of brotherhood and values in the community whilst developing as better men through the tenets and experiences of Freemasonry.
Apart from the one night a month commitment to meetings, Blackwood Lodge involves members’ wives and partners in dining nights, social occasions and special occasions. It is well known that the members with supportive families enjoy their Freemasonry among good friends in a safe environment.
The new visions for Blackwood Lodge are taking shape in its emerging Business Plan based on membership growth, care and retention through proactive mentorship and support and inclusion.
The new member will find a most welcoming group of men and their partners and an encouraging environment in which to understand more fully the masonic tradition.